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Sustainable Procurement Statement


Dandara Living's vision is "to be recognised and chosen as the leading provider of great places to live, work and grow". This vision is embodied in four core values:

  • Progressive - Continuously challenging ourselves and the industry to be better.
  • Collaborative - We champion diversity and work together respectfully to achieve results with our colleagues and customers.
  • Responsible - We are genuine, trustworthy and reliable. We say it, we do it.
  • Passionate - Dedicated with meaningful intent. We love what we do.

As a responsible developer we recognise that the choices we make regarding procurement of goods and services can have a significant impact on people, organisations and the wider environment. We have a sustainable procurement policy in keeping with our 'Responsible' value, which outlines our objectives and approach to influencing procurement choices for materials, products, goods and services.

The key objectives of our policy are:

  • Reduce our consumption of natural resources.
  • Minimise the impact of our projects on the environment and society.
  • Encourage and support supply chain partners to minimise environmental and social impacts within their operations.
  • Ensure that ethical, human rights and labour standards are met by all stakeholders.

This sustainable procurement policy is applicable to all activities undertaken by Dandara Living, or on our behalf by supply chain partners ('Dandara Living' comprises Dandara Living Developments Limited, Dandara Living Contracting Limited, and Dandara Living Management Limited).

Materials & Products

At Dandara Living, procurement and specification decisions on materials and products incorporate the guidance outlined below.

  • Procure all timber and timber products from legally harvested and traded timber sources, in line with certification schemes such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
  • For non-timber materials, procure with a preference for materials and products with recognised responsible sourcing schemes (e.g. BES 6001 & ISO 14001).
  • Facilitate embodied/ whole life carbon assessment and adopt a preference for materials and products with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) issued or registered by an ISO 14025 compliant operator (and where products covered by the Construction Product Regulations, ensure EPD is compliant with BS EN 15804 or ISO 21930).
  • Ensure a preference for materials and product with high recycled content. For example, use of enhanced levels of cement replacement in concrete and recycled content in steel.
  • Give due consideration to materials and products which can be reused and consider future deconstruction and recovery of resources to promote circular economy systems.
  • High VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints, finishes and sealant are designed out, or low and zero VOC alternatives are selected where technically feasible (e.g. water-based paint alternatives).
  • Procure insulation with Global Warming Potential (GWP) of less than 5.
  • Preference for appliances and white goods with maximised energy efficiency label ratings (e.g. EU Energy Label, Class A).
  • Preference for locally sourced material and products where possible to reduce transport related emissions of deliveries.
  • Avoid toxic and hazardous materials (further guidance see: ILFI Red List).
Home Quality Mark (HQM) compliance

In conjunction with the Development Specification, the above materials and product procurement guidance sets out the performance requirements for products and specification, in accordance with HQM credit issue 9.1(03) 'Product procurement and substitution policy'. The sustainable procurement policy specifically ensures that materials and products are procured to best practice standards and ensures specification lead to high build quality.

In compliance with HQM credit 9.1(03) criteria 5.b and c., the substitution of products and specifications shall typically only be permitted in the limited circumstances:

  • Change of product/ specification benefits programme, buildability and/or risk management (e.g. simplifies installation, eliminates/ reduces health and safety risks, less disruptive for local community).
  • Product/ materials supply constraints and/or uneconomic option.
  • Substitution in response to alterations in design.

In all circumstances, when substituting products or specifications the following is considered and adhered to:

  • Any applicable requirement for product performance and compliance- Substitutions are of equivalent standard in terms of performance and compliance and continues to adhere to the sustainable procurement guidance.
  • Interaction of the product with other building products and systems and its overall impact on HQM requirements and targets- Substitutions do not (where possible), require further substitutions of associated products/ components, and do not impact detrimentally upon other design features and overall HQM performance and targets.

Dandara Living utilise an online project and document management system and have protocols and document workflows for the approval and verification product/ specification substitutions (Consultant Design and Trade Contractor Approval Process). Through this process consultants and contractors are required to provide details of substitutions and supporting documentation to demonstrate that substituted products meet performance requirements.


Dandara Living is committed to reducing waste. As a minimum, it is mandatory that all our partners, upon request, demonstrate evidence of adherence to the waste hierarchy as set out in the Waste Regulations {2011) and share best practice with us.

To demonstrate adherence to the waste hierarchy, the actions listed below are considered best practice:

  • Projects undertake pre-demolition audits to identify re-use opportunities.
  • Demolition waste is re-used on site where possible (in accordance with pre-demolition audit recommendations).
  • All waste is segregated into the appropriate waste streams and monitored to support the identification and implementation of measures to reduce waste generation and diversion from landfill.
  • Collaborations with supply chain partners in take-back schemes to ensure a closed loop circular approach wherever possible.
  • Specific waste avoidance and minimisation strategies include but not limited to:
    • pre-fabrication and off-site construction.
    • use of larger pack sizes to reduce the amount of packaging per unit.
    • collection and reuse packaging and protective materials.
    • using cardboard wrapping where appropriate instead of plastic wrapping (e.g. bubble wrap).
    • promote use of manufacturer branded pallets to ensure clear ownership and encourage repatriation.
    • avoid polystyrene packaging as it cannot be easily recycled or reused.

Site Impacts

Site impacts from operations and development can have a significant effect on the environment. To limit these impacts the following guidance and principles are incorporated in site activities.

  • Supply chain partners are encouraged to maintain or implement environmental, health and safety systems to certified or equivalent standards (e.g. ISO 14001 & ISO 45001).
  • Training provided to on-site personnel to ensure awareness of their impacts and means to avoid/ minimise adverse environmental and neighbourhood impacts.
  • Construction environmental management plans are implemented and ensure good practice pollution prevention procedures and measures are applied.
  • Energy and water consumption is monitored during construction to support the identification and implementation of measures to reduce consumption.
  • Measures are implemented to protect environmentally sensitive areas, including protection of local flora and fauna, and habitats.

Social & Governance

The following is mandatory for all supply chain partners:

  • Ensure that fair contract prices and terms are applied and respected, and that ethical, human rights and labour standards are met, in line with the United Nations Global Compact principles, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Dandara Living's Modern Slavery Statement .
  • Comply with Dandara Living's anti-bribery and corruption commitments.
  • Comply with Dandara Living's whistleblowing policies.

Dandara Living and supply chain partners achieve social value add by:

  • Procuring locally where possible and providing opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Engaging with voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations to support local employment, training, diversity and inclusion opportunities.

This policy is communicated to supply chain partners by reference in all pre-qualification, construction tender and contract documentation. Dandara Living undertakes regular reviews of supply chain partners to ensure compliance.

Damien Brown
Group Procurement Director

30 January 2025


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Vertex 2nd Floor,
1 Tabley Court,
Victoria Street,
WA14 1EZ


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Dandara Living Contracting Limited: Company number: 13297470 | VAT number: GB000865606
Dandara Living Developments Limited: Company number: 13649608 | VAT number: GB000865606
Dandara Living Management Limited: Company number: 10421427 | VAT number: GB004981678

© Dandara Living 2025